Home Visits
Heidi Hembry IBCLC - Lactation Consultant & Breastfeeding Counsellor
Home visits often within 48hrs of contact
About Heidi

Heidi Hembry IBCLC
Hertfordshire & surrounding areas

Heidi Hembry is a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) with over 15 years of experience, supporting families on their breastfeeding journeys. Whether your desire is to breastfeed exclusively, combination feed, or just to have a more positive breastfeeding experience, she can help you to make a personalised plan to suit you and your baby:
"Having struggled with breastfeeding my first baby, I have both personal and professional experience of common concerns, such as weight loss/gain, low supply, tongue tie, painful feeds, expressing and mastitis. I am also experienced with oversupply, reflux, thrush, twins & multiples, stopping breastfeeding, responsive and safe formula feeding, introducing solids and returning to work whilst breastfeeding.
I initially trained and volunteered with the Breastfeeding Network (BfN) from 2009. After several years of working with families and babies in hospital, at home, and in the community I qualified as a Tutor and Supervisor with the BfN in 2012, and as an IBCLC in 2015. With a foundation in evidence-based research and mother centred counselling, I offer 1:1 support to Hertfordshire families, in the comfort of your own home to help you overcome breastfeeding concerns"
You can verify my IBCLC qualification at:

Common Concerns
Rapid weight loss or slow weight gain is one of the early reasons parents begin to doubt their ability to breastfeed effectively. Heidi will observe a full feed, help you to recognise effective feeding, and give support to encourage your baby to take more milk.
Any discomfort or pain is often enough to make breastfeeding feel unmanageable. Pain is also a sign that your baby may be struggling to get enough milk. Heidi will help you find different techniques to comfortably latch your baby, and relax into feeding.
"Not enough milk" is one of the top reasons that mum's stop breastfeeding. Heidi will teach you how to change your feeding patterns and improve supply.
Recurring mastitis, recurrent green stools, reflux, gassy & unsettled baby can all be signs of oversupply. Heidi can help you to resolve mastitis, and reduce your supply so it better works for you and baby.
Tongue ties, when present, are variable from baby to baby. It is not always possible to tell if a tie is affecting feeding from looking at the tie alone - a digital oral exam to understand the function and restriction of the tongue is needed for a proper assessment. Heidi is experienced in tongue-tie assessment and will be able to teach you how to optimise feeding and minimise pain whilst you look at your options for frenotomy.
Introducing solids can feel overwhelming. You're fully confident with feeding, but the books talk about times, volumes and routines that just don't feel like a fit with you and your baby. Heidi can help you find a way through the myriad options for introducing solids alongside your breastfeeding and bottle feeding choices.
Returning to work often coincides with introducing solids - but not always. Taking you and your baby's individual needs into account, Heidi can support you in a smooth transition when you return to work whatever baby's age. Exclusive breastfeeding, combination feeding or weaning from the breast are all possible.
Breastfeeding twins and multiples is not only possible, but it can also be practical too. Yes, you will need extra support in the beginning, just as you will if you chose to formula feed. With good support and information in the initial days and weeks, you can make plenty of milk for your babies, whether they are breastfeeding direct, or taking your expressed milk.
You may be a first-time mum wanting additional knowledge prior to the arrival of your baby. Or perhaps breastfeeding didn't go to plan last time and you want to get off to a better start when this baby arrives. Maybe you are a group of expectant mums who would like a class dedicated to breastfeeding information and tips. Heidi can tailor make a 1:1 or group session to suit your needs.
Private Consultations
Basic Home Consultation Package - £140 + travel
A visit to your home, usually lasting around 90 minutes, where we will assess feeding, address concerns and make a feeding plan to be adjusted and tweaked as progress happens.
An assessment of tongue function/restriction can be made and referred on if needed.
An email summary of your consultation including your feeding plan and additional links/information.
Two x 15min follow up phone calls to be used within 14 days following the visit to adjust and tweak the plan.
Some people prefer more follow up, and some complex situations require additional support. The above package can be personalised prior to your visit, or at any time within 2 weeks of our last contact, with "Bolt Ons":
3 x 15 min calls - £60
One off call 30/60mins - £30/£60
Additional Home Visits £90/90min + Travel
Or you can request a totally bespoke service - contact me to discuss.
Travel Supplements
I live in Hertford, and visits under 20 min each way do not incur a travel supplement. Visits under 30 min each way will have a £25 supplement added, with an additional £25 for every additional 10 mins or part thereof.
All bookings are to be paid in advance.
100% refund with 4+ days notice of appointment
75% refundable with less than 72hrs notice of appointment
50% refundable with less than 24hrs notice of appointment
Additional Expenses
Supplemental charge for visits exceeding 2 hrs £15/15mins
Additional emails/letters of referral £15 each
In exceptional cases, sundries such as pump flanges, SNS systems, nipple shields etc are to be discussed and agreed upon during the visit.
Video Consultations
In addition to 1:1 home visits, I also offer video consultations. A 40min video call with an email summary and 2 follow up phonecalls is £90. Though video calls have some limitations (help with adjusting pillows etc, weighing baby, tongue tie assessment etc) they have proven to be effective and popular for those who cannot access local support, afford a full visit fee, or are continuing to shield.
Videos are a very effective way of addressing concerns when breastfeeding is well established, such as phasing bottle feeds in or out, returning to work, weaning to solids, and stopping breastfeeding. Please contact me to discuss and book.
Antenatal Sessions
Perhaps you feel that your breastfeeding knowledge could be improved ahead of the arrival of your baby? Or maybe you have unique concerns not addressed in your antenatal classes so far? Maybe your previous breastfeeding experience wasn't as you had hoped, and you plan to be more prepared this time around.
Video consultations work very well for antenatal breastfeeding sessions, though in-person bookings or group bookings can be arranged too. Please contact me to discuss.

I am based in Hertford, supporting families in Hertfordshire and surrounding areas, and can support nationally or globally via video!
Heidi helped us move from using formula in the first week... to exclusively breastfeeding by the end of week 2.
She helped us find the right position... and gave valuable advice on how to improve weight gain and milk supply
Angeliki - May 2021
Heidi is brilliant - extremely knowledgeable and puts you totally at ease - just what you need as a brand new parent finding their feet!
Maria - July 2020
Heidi Helped us so much... I'm so grateful I reached out to her with our 2nd baby
Our tiny newborn is now a thriving, exclusively breastfed 4 month old
Amy - Nov 2021
What is an IBCLC?
IBCLC Qualification
How is an IBCLC different
to a Breastfeeding Counsellor,
Peer Supporter or Specialist?
The International Board Certified Lactation Consultant® (IBCLC®) credential is the highest-regarded professional qualification in breastfeeding knowledge and support and receives worldwide recognition. An IBCLC is certified by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners® (IBLCE®), independently accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) of the Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE).
Prior to sitting comprehensive exams, candidates have undertaken extensive training in breastfeeding and lactation issues. They must also have at least 1,000 hours of proven clinical experience, working with breastfeeding mothers and babies. IBCLCs must recertify every five years, undertaking a minimum of 15hrs additional study and training per year, ensuring that their skills and knowledge are up to date. Every 10 years recertification must be by exam, making the IBCLC accreditation one of the most rigorous.
Anyone can call themselves a Breastfeeding Counsellor or Specialist without any formal training or qualifications. Some of these specialists are great at giving support, however, others are misinformed, and can give you wrong or dangerous advice and information.
Whilst most Breastfeeding Peer Supporters, Counsellors or Specialists will have undertaken some recognised training, this can vary greatly from a single 2hr training session to a 17-week course spread over an academic year. And whilst some may have dedicated many extra hours to ongoing training, others may be woefully out of date.
An IBCLC remains the gold standard in breastfeeding qualifications, and re-certifying every 5 years means that an IBCLC will always be up to date in her/his training.

I can often give an immediate response by phone, so do please call or leave a message. Alternatively, email me or use the forms below for contact or feedback.
Tel: 07533 491202
Email: breastfeedingherts@gmail.com
Useful Sites
General Breastfeeding Information
The Breastfeeding Network - The BfN aims to be an independent source of support and information for breastfeeding mothers and others.
You can find useful leaflets to download, including up to date Covid19 information, free UK drop in support centres and more.
Medicines and Breastfeeding
The BfN also has an excellent library of information on the safety of drugs and medications in breastfeeding.
"The BfN endeavours to provide information to enable mothers to breastfeed their babies for as long as they wish and provide information on the safety of medicines for each mother and baby pair"
Infant Sleep
BASIS - The BAby Sleep Info Source)
"For parents who wish to make informed choices about infant sleep and night-time care"
National Breastfeeding Helpline
0300 100 0212
Independent, confidential, mother-centred, non-judgmental breastfeeding support and information:
Infant Formula and Solids
First Steps Nutrition Trust is an independent public health nutrition charity that provides information and resources to support eating well from preconception to 5 years.
A simple and concise guide from Unicef, for parents who are formula feeding, with an overview on how to choose infant formula, and how to bottle feed as responsively as possible:
Tongue Tie
The ATP work to increase awareness about the effects of tongue tie in babies, using up to date evidence and research. They aim to support parents of tongue-tied babies to access safe and effective care: